What began as a doodle to pass the time at my front desk job has now turned into one of my favorite questions to ask: what blob are you today? This question, accompanied by colorful faces, gives people a chance to do an emotional check-in, something we could all use. As the worker everyone sees briefly, I struggled with being able to get past the oh-so-basic "how's it going?" "Good." The end. Through my blobs, I have created a conversational tool geared around what people are feeling and helping them communicate it. By having a person look at the blobs, choose one, and write their name on it there is a sense of feeling seen and heard for what their emotions are. This emotional ownership normalizes not having to be just "good" all the time.
There are 3 rules that follow these blobs: pick what you are feeling, do not pick for others, and it’s okay to share blobs.
From just a doodle these blobs have turned into paintings, ashtrays, murals, stickers, tiles, and so much more. I am continually aiming to bring tools to those who may struggle with sharing their feelings and doing so in a bright and colorful way.